GSM 2023

February 7, 2023 - February 15, 2023



  • You can manage all settings for the general layout, grid, typography, domain and SEO/Tracker via the gearwheel symbol at the top right.
  • Your event website with the registration form must always be activated as the default website under "Domain". 
  • You can simply drag & drop the individual modules into the desired order and edit them using the pencil symbol. 
  • The modules have different layouts from which you can choose. The headings are also interchangeable.
  • Always click Save Changes. 
  • Use the preview mode to check your changes and check the view for all devices.




Max Mustermann

You can create a new speaker by clicking on the "+". 

For successfully saving a speaker, the first name, surname and profile picture must be stored. 

Speakers must be created again as contacts if they should receive moderator rights and/or e-mail communication. 

Eva Musterfrau

On the top right-hand side you can link all social media channels.

On the right-hand side in the middle, you can link the speakers to the programme items by using the drop-down menu. 

On the bottom right-hand side, you can upload a cover picture. This will be shown on the virtual platform as a header for the speaker. 






  • Check the settings to make sure that the URL and domain are set correctly before you go live.
  • Make sure that the event website with the registration form is always the default website. 
  • After all changes have been saved, you always have to press "Publish" again to update all contents.
  • After the first publication, it can take up to 30 minutes until the page is live.
  • If you see a different view of your event website after a new publication, please empty your cache and try again.